A promise ring is a symbol of commitment in a relationship. It can mean anything from a promise to abstain from sex until marriage to a pledge of love and trust between two people.

Marriage isn’t for everyone, and a promise ring is a way to show your commitment without going through all the hassle of getting married. Promise rings can be worn on any finger and come in a variety of designs.

  1. They’re a symbol of commitment

For couples that are ready to take the next step in their relationship, a promise ring can be a great way to show their commitment. However, because of the nature of the ring, it’s important to discuss what it means before you give one to your partner so that there is no confusion about its meaning.

This can be especially difficult for couples who are at a different stage in their lives, such as a couple in medical school or a young couple who are saving up for a wedding or living overseas. In these cases, a promise ring can serve as a placeholder for engagement and demonstrate that the two people are committed to each other without the need for wedding planning just yet.

Whether you’re looking to mark a milestone or simply to show your commitment, a promise ring can be incredibly meaningful and special for any couple. But remember that, like any ring, breakups do happen and it’s best not to surprise your partner with a promise ring that you might end up having to return.

  1. They’re a placeholder for an engagement

As Promise rings for couples become increasingly common, some couples may decide to use them as a sort of placeholder for their eventual engagement. This is particularly true for couples that meet later in life and don’t have the finances or the desire for a large wedding yet, but who are still deeply committed to one another.

This also applies to couples who may wish to skip the engagement process altogether, but want a way to show their commitment and love for one another. Whatever the reason, it’s important to make sure that both parties are on the same page about the purpose of the ring, and that it isn’t being mistaken for an engagement ring.

In these cases, it can help to have a discussion about the type of jewelry that you both prefer and how you intend to wear your promise ring. While it’s usually worn on the middle finger of the left hand, close to the ring fingers, some people choose to wear theirs on a necklace or on a stack of other jewelry.

  1. They’re a sign of friendship

While promise rings can be given for a variety of reasons, they are often seen as a sign of friendship between two people. This is because they can be a way to show your friend that you care about them and want to spend time with them.

They can also be a way to show your commitment to a relationship. This is especially true if you’re in a long-term relationship and are considering getting engaged.

It’s important to discuss your plans and expectations with your partner before giving them a promise ring. This will help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about what it means to give and receive one.

In addition to discussing the meaning of a promise ring, it’s also important to choose a design that fits your partner’s style. This can be done by visiting a jeweler or using an online sizing tool. By taking these steps, you’ll be sure to give your friend a beautiful and meaningful promise ring.

  1. They’re a symbol of love

Many people wear promise rings because they’re a physical reminder of the commitments that have been made in their relationship. It’s a way to show that they share the same goals and values in their relationship. They’re a symbol of love that can be worn on any finger and is a way to keep your partner close to you.

When it comes to giving a promise ring, it’s important to talk about it with your partner before you present one. A misunderstanding could lead to disappointment and hurt feelings, so it’s best to make sure that your partner understands the meaning behind the ring before giving it to them.

Whether you’re looking for a ring to symbolize your commitment to your partner or want to celebrate your love for them, there are plenty of beautiful options to choose from. From romantic infinity rings to classic Claddagh rings, you can find the perfect ring for your S.O. at Zales or on Etsy.